Empire City - Part 3 "Old Town and The Empire Mill Site"

Empire City - Part 3 "Old Town and The Empire Mill Site"

This is our journey around the old Empire Mill site in actuality this area seems to be ground zero where old town stood. Today the giant cotton woods, piles of wood and even old farm equipment are found on the north side of the river just across from Mexican Mill the first of its kind to be used in Utah Territory at the time in 1860. It is very scattered back here and over grown. Signs that deer, black bear and mountain lion also been roaming along this woodsy patch along the river. Whatever was here is long gone but no less will take you through it so you can see how nature is consuming what very little is left of old Empire City. This was a huge boom town one of the top lumber towns in all of Nevada. It boasted hotels, saloons, dance hall, school, large mansions and stores. Its milling was done on the edge of town and mostly in the canyon where the Carson River enters into the pine nut mountains just east of Carson City NV.
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